Website Design
This is a skill I picked up at my day job - an extension of the graphic design and microsite building I've done over the past five years. I've worked with WordPress and Wix as the platform for the sites I've redesigned or build from from scratch.
Municipal Bonds for America (WordPress)
Thursday Luncheon Group (Wix)
Dr. Smita Patel (WordPress)
I've recently picked up a new platform to create digital newsletters - Readz. It's essentially a microsite that can be used for any reason, I even used it for a virtual exhibitor booth. Here are a few examples:
Issue Papers and other firm specific news for the Bond Dealers of America
Virtual Booths for 2020 National Fixed Income Conference
During the pandemic year of 2020, I added a new tool in my toolbox - MagLoft - it's a digital publishing solution for smaller businesses. It gives you the ability to create an application for all digital devices without the major costs. I took all of the issue papers, a quarterly digital magazine, and all other updates from Readz and recreated them into MagLoft. It can be see on the web and on any device.